
The Qliphoth are the opposite of the Sephiroth. The word "qlippah" or "klippah" (plural "qlippoth") means "shell" or "husk". They are, of course, the force which drive people towards death, self-destruction, and suffering, because this is what the Qliphoth crave as food.

The Toroidal Universe

If the ideal shape of the higher dimensional continuum of the universe is the shape of a tube torus, then the Abyss that the Qliphoth seem to come from is the empty middle of the torus. It is the zero point of the dimensional continuum. If the Qliphoth had to cross the center of this dimensional or temporal continuum to get here (it is likely that this crossing happened at the Fracturing in the times of Atlantis), then they came from the Abyss and their momentum was fundamentally backwards to ours. Instead of living off of the energy of Flow as we do, the Qliphoth lived off of the negative energy of Entropy, or when energy is dispersed, due to death, or other means of Entropy.

Qliphoth Worship

Any religion or cult that purports to worship death, images of death, or any kind of suffering, is most likely a religion that inadvertantly worships the Qliphoth.

  • The Skull and Bones Society
  • Bohemian Grove


Following these criteria, it could be argued that the popular Christian religion worships a God that is not God but actually a nameless Qliphoth (which is why He is given the generic name "God"). Here are some valid points:

  • Rather than focus on their efforts in life, living life to the fullest, and living in harmony with his neighbors, the Christian cult focuses all their attention on the After-Life, and covetously getting into some Life After-Party called Heaven, where Jesus Christ is the bouncer.
  • The symbol of their religion is a cross, which is a symbol of the suffering of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, for their sins, in blood. Thus, the main symbol of the whole of the faith is one that focuses the attention on suffering, and sacrifice. A cross is also a sword turned upside down.
  • The cannibalism, or devouring of the body and blood of Christ in order to gain His powers is one way that Christians connect to the Qliphothic parasite within them, and send their energy on to the Qliphothic entity which controls the religion.

See Also

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